Thursday, May 26, 2011

Will The Hang Over 2 Dominate The Box Office?

                                              Will The Hang Over 2 Dominate The Box Office?

Well critics seem to think so.   They're estimating it to be largest four day Memorial Day Week box office open since 2007.  Grant it; The Hang Over original was definitely a hilarious film.  I'm not sure which weekend is released. 

This film has had it's share of controversy and it's nothing short of amazement that has been released this weekend considering the lawsuit.

The lawsuit that might have delayed the release of The Hangover 2 has not gone away, but the film is set to be released around the world as scheduled. Victor Whitmill, a tattoo artist, has filed a lawsuit against Warner Brothers seeking an injunction and damages for copyright infringement. Whitmill  is seeking an estimated $30 million settlement for damages.

Whitmill  is the original tattoo artist of the Maori tattoo on boxer Mike Tyson’s face which actor Ed Helm’s character bares throughout the film. Whitmill was not being asked for permission for the use of the tattoo in the film led to the copyright infringement lawsuit.

Interesting enough, Mike Tyson likely has given permission for the use of the tattoo, so who actually owns the tattoo, that you bare on your person; You or the artist who inked it?

U.S. District Court Judge Catherine D. Perry has denied the request for the Hangover 2 to be delayed in its release. She is, however, letting the case move forward and has admitted that Whitmill has a good chance at winning.

We will just have to wait and see which movie will come out on top.  The sequels to Kunfu Panda, and Pirates of The Caribbean will definitely be front runners as well.

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